路上の偶像/roadkill idol, 2016

ceramic clay

粘土で作られた半乾きの像を実際の車で轢き、それを素焼きした作品。 民話や童話に登場し、人間にとって身近で時に神秘的な存在であった狸も今では路上の障害物と化している。また土偶や狛犬、仏像などに代表される偶像を信仰物とする風習も時とともに形骸化してきている。神話的思考と偶像の権威が私たちの社会から失われていくことへの不安からこの作品を制作した。

Motif of this work is a road kill raccoon (tanuki) which often be seen on street in Japan. The rut on the body was made by a car actually ran on it. Tanuki is often depicted and personalized in Japanese folk tales and fairy tales, existed as a familiar yet mystic animal for human. Other wild animals such as fox and wild boar are often became motif for statues which placed and worshiped in the shrines. Since human society depreciate mythical thoughts and savage mind (as Lévi-Strauss said), wild animals turned street obstacles from gods.


female figurine


cultivated land