Urban Cultivator, 2014

flyer, wood, plaster

dimension variable

This work was made and exhibited in Guangzhou, China. I collected various fliers in Guangzhou and made them into thousands of stalk-like forms with the help of local people. Papers are bundled and placed in the floor to create a view of rice field. With this image, I wanted to talk about Japan-China cultural exchange that has materially changed, such as from rice farming to consumer products. Also, the work addresses a rapid social change in China, such as large-scale transformation of Chinese citizens from farmers to urban residents.

中国、広州での展覧会に出展した作品。 加工され地面に並べられた中国の広告紙は田んぼに育つ稲穂を連想させる。 急激な経済発展によってにわかに農耕民が都市民に変わっていく現在の中国の状況と、 稲作から消費財へと、時を経て変化する日中文化交流のあり方を表象する。


sleeping guardian


vinyl venus